Saturday, February 9, 2013

Slim, Skinny, Thin

                                          Slim, Skinny, Thin
There are two of the women that I have never before been with but I have.  One is slim beyond the acceptance of a man , just barely getting by as a participant in social circles.
She is tall and faired skinned and pretty but lacks the traditional physical treasures coveted by any man with a beard who has ever considered himself a pirate.
She is angry at the world, climbing the doors of public transportation and looking no one in the face and being defiant and inviting opposition.
She hates her gender and meets them with frigid eyes already being cold without first diving into conversation.
Her Gender has judged her harshly and she expects the same from every being with long lashes and soft skin and bright eyes.
It is a ruse to hide her extreme and perhaps pitiful fragility. She hates before she is hated.
Lacking a hold on the basis of her gender she lacks a group of birds with whom to roost with. She is a single pack running in a slow tired trot.
The opposite sex then becomes a sort of perceived oasis. In a set of heavy eyes she seeks a road to social talks. Her desire to live through them becomes particularly overbearing, grabbing them by the dropping modifiers of a heavy voice.
She becomes possessive of her new bridges into a room with a microphone and lets no one step foot on it, a bird casually resting its tired wings on the structure of the bridge receives the fury of a brooding gaze. He will as well.
They sense this and stick around only to hear their heart twice in a panicked mode, some, the “benefactors” of her misplaced search of acceptance through intimacy.
She becomes enraged, fury left; rage right, serenity nowhere to be found. 
She dismisses her current possession with the fervor of a child who has found her doll to lack a cleft chin. She regards the chin, imperfect in her mind and seeks another.
She takes no breaks in between the search for whatever it is she seeks in the lips constantly leaving coming and being replaced. So she becomes exasperated hating all the ugly, pretty, tall, tiny, smart, stupid things all in the supposedly forgotten recess of her mind.
She seeks as we speak

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